I've found many friends and relatives seriously considering buying a DSLR camera. I've reasoned with them and did some research to find that it is one of the most expensive emotional purchase people make. A sony campaign suggests 7 out of 10 users never bring their DSLR camera out of Auto mode. Technically, modern mobile cameras are already more-than-you-need for regular candid photography. But, here are some very important arguments that might encourage you to stay cool and at the same time invest smarter.
1. You love photographs, not photography: Do you dream of carrying your heavy camera and a tripod and move around the terrain to get a great angle, and then struggle with complex settings to get the magical picture? If not, please don't spend a penny on an expensive camera. That is what DSLR and photography is about. It is an art and requires a lot of patience, learning and practice.
2. It's expensive: It indeed is <insert your curse word here> expensive hobby to have. The expenses do not stop with the camera - you need lenses, tripod, maintenance kits, post processing software and regular printing costs.
3. You don't know what SLR stands for: Even if I tell you that it stands for Digital Single-lens Reflex you'd not make much sense of it. I am sure you still just know that it is a cool and costly camera that takes extraordinary pictures (partly correct). More importantly, it's a great gadget to flaunt. If you have enough currency to burn for heat, you can still go ahead and buy it.
4. You really love your photographs, and you really don't love photography: You want your pictures at the most amazing places you've traveled to. With the DSLR hanging on your neck, you shouldn't expect having a great album of 'your' pictures at the end of the travel. If you know some photography, you should expect a great album with pictures of landscapes, people, buildings, co-travelers. If that is not what you imagine, forget buying a DSLR. TIP: Travel with your friends who love photography. And who may own a DSLR.
5. You, Your camera and Your photos are always at risk - You can't hide the beautiful piece from evil thugs in an alien place. Neither does the bulky pendulum over your neck, let you be agile in case of a situation. Not to mention that it can always slip off your hands and fall off the cliff. Even if it doesn't take you along, your device and your photos are GONE! And they may get in to wrong hands. Unless, of course, if you also carry your laptop and take regular time-off from your vacation to do a backup. Camera's don't come with safety features.
6. You like crap pics - You hardly know or care about noise, white balance, exposure. You are not going to take a large print and hang it on your walls. All you need it for is to showcase it on FB. It may not be hard to tell an SLR photo versus non-SLR but after first few times it is very hard to carry your DSLR to all small office events and family trips. Moment is more important than picture quality.
You can get great Photographs and much more at the same price or less. You can buy an amazing phone, a great tablet for your family and a great cloud service to keep your family, devices and photos safe and still save some money for the chips and dips along the way.
Disclosure: I work for Snapone
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer or any organization, institution or business I am associated with.
1. You love photographs, not photography: Do you dream of carrying your heavy camera and a tripod and move around the terrain to get a great angle, and then struggle with complex settings to get the magical picture? If not, please don't spend a penny on an expensive camera. That is what DSLR and photography is about. It is an art and requires a lot of patience, learning and practice.
3. You don't know what SLR stands for: Even if I tell you that it stands for Digital Single-lens Reflex you'd not make much sense of it. I am sure you still just know that it is a cool and costly camera that takes extraordinary pictures (partly correct). More importantly, it's a great gadget to flaunt. If you have enough currency to burn for heat, you can still go ahead and buy it.
4. You really love your photographs, and you really don't love photography: You want your pictures at the most amazing places you've traveled to. With the DSLR hanging on your neck, you shouldn't expect having a great album of 'your' pictures at the end of the travel. If you know some photography, you should expect a great album with pictures of landscapes, people, buildings, co-travelers. If that is not what you imagine, forget buying a DSLR. TIP: Travel with your friends who love photography. And who may own a DSLR.
5. You, Your camera and Your photos are always at risk - You can't hide the beautiful piece from evil thugs in an alien place. Neither does the bulky pendulum over your neck, let you be agile in case of a situation. Not to mention that it can always slip off your hands and fall off the cliff. Even if it doesn't take you along, your device and your photos are GONE! And they may get in to wrong hands. Unless, of course, if you also carry your laptop and take regular time-off from your vacation to do a backup. Camera's don't come with safety features.
6. You like crap pics - You hardly know or care about noise, white balance, exposure. You are not going to take a large print and hang it on your walls. All you need it for is to showcase it on FB. It may not be hard to tell an SLR photo versus non-SLR but after first few times it is very hard to carry your DSLR to all small office events and family trips. Moment is more important than picture quality.
You can get great Photographs and much more at the same price or less. You can buy an amazing phone, a great tablet for your family and a great cloud service to keep your family, devices and photos safe and still save some money for the chips and dips along the way.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer or any organization, institution or business I am associated with.